Upper Sixth student Finn Johnson has been selected to exhibit her artwork in the Royal Academy A Level Online exhibition.
Over 2000 submissions were made and Finn has been selected to form part of the show. This is a prestigious event and summarises the success that Finn has had this year alongside her offer to study art at Central St Martins, London.
Of her piece, entitled Emaciated figure, Finn says: “My A Level project discussed the theme of emaciation and the effect that the world surrounding us has. I get particularly frustrated with narcissism in society due to people’s obsession with the presentation of themselves and the whole facade that comes with social media and youth culture. This was my final piece made out of clay, based ironically of myself, which I find adds a personal aspect to the issues I am discussing in my work.”
Head of Art Mr Adam Hayley said: “we are incredibly proud of Finn’s achievements. Well done! And a huge thank you to the hardworking and dedicated art team who have also supported her time at CHS.”
Finn has kindly allowed CHS to sell prints of her artwork as part of School’s new Art2Buy Scheme which helps fund out of classroom, creative experiences for students provided by the legacy of Old Waconians.